Some issues that can be helped with the bodywork Tara performs
- Biting, tail swishing, ears back, fidgeting when groomed and being saddled
- Difficulty holding legs up for the farrier
- Hooves that just won’t balance even with regular corrective trims, laminitis, navicular, contracted heels, long toes, flares, cracks, thrush etc.
- Trips or stumbles, drags hind toes along the ground
- Horse heavy on the forehand/difficulty collecting and holding a frame/hollow backed
- Bucking, rearing, running off
- Girthy/cinchy or cold backed
- One-sided/better on one rein than the other
- Bracey or argumentative
- Head shy, sensitive around the ears or poll
- Saddle slipping to one side
- Rider gets a sore back or legs during/after riding
- Loss of power/speed/stamina, sweats excessively, tires quickly
- Difficulty picking up a canter lead, cross firing at the canter
- Behaviour changes/difficult to catch/not a part of the herd
- Atrophy/muscle wastage and/or uneven muscling
- Generalized tight, sore muscles, short striding, uneven stride length
The bodywork Tara performs is based on releasing the muscles to allow the body to realign itself and heal. The whole body is treated and all aspects of the horse’s physical state, environment, nutrition and mental/emotional wellbeing are addressed.
The initial session takes approximately two hours, starting with a thorough examination of the horse, releasing of past muscle memory, trapped emotions that are negatively affecting the horse, energy/meridian balancing and then the muscular and skeletal releases can be performed.
At the end of the Equine Rewind session the owner is instructed on exercises to perform with the horse along with any nutritional, hoof health and mental/emotional issues needing addressed which will be discussed in detail so that they themselves are part of the healing process and are then also in a position to prevent further issues occurring in the future.
Some horses may require multiple visits due to long standing issues or for practices that haven’t been changed which are continually obstructing the healing process.
Please Note that Tara is not a veterinarian so she is not legally qualified to diagnose any ailments/diseases/lameness’. Tara specialises in bringing horses back to soundness and improving performance by recognizing and treating issues affecting the horse, but legally only a veterinarian can diagnose specific disease and lameness. Tara works alongside your veterinarian and other horse care professionals for the overall benefit of your horses wellbeing.